
“i never had the confidence to consistently work out, nor the motivation to. meeting carly and taking her classes, i found a new love for working out, and bettering my body. she is one of the most hard-working fitness gurus/instructors, and i don’t know anyone that truly puts so much time and effort into teaching. she has taught me so much, and i always look forward to the awe-inspiring knowledge she shines on me and all her students!” - ashley

“i live in a different state than carly, and i found her on instagram before i started practicing with her virtually. i was attracted to the grace and ease in her movement and her clear mastery and wisdom of alignment and posture. i appreciate this so much as i get older and i want to exercise my body in a sustainable way. when we all went into quarantine and my local studios closed, i started taking her classes online, and i have been challenged and empowered in ways I never have before. she’s awesome, and i feel stronger than i ever have.” - maggie

“i love carly’s classes because she pushes me to become stronger but at the same time helps me appreciate my body just the way it is! i leave every single one of her classes proud of what my body can do.” - megan

“carly’s approach to yoga cannot be beat! i have gained strength and a greater understanding of my body. her moves are physically and mentally engaging and challenging. the flows are always unique and fun and most importantly, keep you on your toes!” - rebecca

“carly is that special teacher who makes you love and hate her at the same time. hate because you cannot believe she's making you move your body in such challenging ways, but love because she inspires you to do so. i leave every class feeling better than i did before and i think that's the true testament to carly's passion and expertise as an instructor.” - ashley